Indoor Plants: Improving Air Quality for a Healthier Workplace. (Part-1)

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One of the most effective ways to improve the general environment and the quality of the air in the workplace is to bring indoor plants into the workplace. 

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By removing the pollutants that are typically found inside, many plants that are kept indoors have the potential to filter and purify the air. When it comes to making your workplace healthier, here are some suggestions on how to make use of indoor plants:

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The Spider Plant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum, is an excellent choice for air-purifying plants since it is capable of effectively eliminating pollutants such as formaldehyde and xylene.

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Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is an effective plant for eliminating pollutants from interior environments and requires very little maintenance.

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Determine the Levels of Light When selecting plants for your workplace, it is important to take into consideration the natural light settings. 

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While some plants may survive with little light, others require a greater amount of sunlight. The fourth step is to strategically arrange plants throughout the office. 

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 It is especially important to place plants in locations that have significant amounts of pollution, such as in close proximity to printers or photocopiers.

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Educate Employees: It is important to educate employees about the advantages of having indoor plants in order to urge them to develop a sense of appreciation and care for the green additions.

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